Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Grand Tour

It is official...we are finished with the house project! Hooray! We couldn't be happier or more pleased with how it all came together. We held our open house this past Friday and Saturday (Jan. 6 & 7) and had a great turn-out of local friends and neighbors who were curious as to what we had done with the place and, consequently, blown away with what we had done to the place. They were pretty impressed.

So, for all of our out-of-town family and friends, here is a grand tour of the finished house. And if it's been so long that you can't remember what we started with, feel free to take a quick tour of the "before" photos. Okay, on to the tour...

The outside...

The living area...

 The downstairs bedroom and bathroom...

The kitchen and dining nook...

 The half-bath off the kitchen...

The back porch bonus room and laundry room...

 The stairway and upstairs hallway...

The upstairs bathroom...

The master bedroom, view from the bathroom...

Bedroom #1 with adjoining closet...

Bedroom #2 with adjoining closet

Bedroom #3...

 Upstairs hall closet...

As a special treat, we recorded a video tour of the place, because it's pretty hard to get the feel and layout of a place just through pictures. My mom did an awesome job as the "tour guide" and I couldn't love this piece of video more. However, it won't upload to blogger because the file is too large (I think!?), and I need to get help from my technically savvy husband, who has been unusually busy the past few days and unable to assist me in my time of need!? So until I can rope him into helping me out, these pictures will have to do. I will keep you posted on when I get the video up and running...hopefully before the weekend.
Total Investment: Around $80,000 (we still need to crunch a few numbers to get the exact cost, but we're sitting right around $80k...$15k for the house, and $65k in renovation costs).  
Asking Price: $130,000
Time: 4 months (mid-Sept through mid-January)
Next Flip Project: NEVER! Just kidding...I'm sure we won't be able to resist doing something like this again, but give me at least 5-10 years to forget the craziness and stress of this job first.  :) 
Sale prospectus: We haven't had anyone truly interested in buying it yet, however, the word is out and it's on the market, so we'll see what that brings. I'll keep you posted.

Well, I hope you've enjoyed our crazy journey. I can't say that it was all a bed of roses, but seeing the finished product really did make all the craziness, frustration, and hard work totally worth it.