Monday, September 19, 2011

Weekend One - Exterior Paint

This last weekend we started this project with exterior paint. Winter comes to Cokeville October!? So we wanted to get this outside project out of the way before the snow flies. Here is what we started with...

I arrived in Cokeville on Thursday afternoon. We scraped paint on Thursday evening, and I started painting on Friday morning. We worked all day on Friday and even managed to recruit my two aunts, Clyda and Bonnie, to help us paint...bless their souls! With their excellent help we were able to finish most of the lower painting. And by the end of Friday, this is what we had done...

On Saturday we worked from sun up to sun down. We were rained out in the morning and ended up cleaning up the yard a bit waiting for the house to dry. It didn't take long to clean things up and de-clutter, but we managed to accumulate a myriad of weird clutter to take up to the dump. But before it was all hauled off, a few local boys came by and thought they found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!? They were SO excited about our "junk" and were ready and willing to haul off a good portion of it. But not before my dad, Bill, swore them to secrecy, making sure they didn't tell their parents where they got all their new "treasures." I'm sure their parents were so thrilled!? But let's be honest, what little boy can't use old empty beverage bottles, rocks, bricks, broken hoses, and old mats?! You'd a thought they'd won the lottery by how excited they were!? Those adorable kids were certainly the highlight of my day...

By sundown on Saturday evening, this was the result...a painted house!?

Although, truth be told, we didn't quite finish. We're probably only 2/3 done. But we ran out of white trim paint, and we plain ran out of time. There was no way were going to tempt God by climbing ladders on the sabbath, and the only painting left required ladders!? So we called it a weekend. But give us one more day and we'll have it done. Although if I'm really lucky, my mom will finish most of it by next weekend. She's a crazy fast painter, and can't leave a good project undone for too long.  

And here is where I can brag to you that "my mom is better than your mom." Would your mom scale a huge, wooden, rickety, ladder like a monkey climbing for coconuts, without thinking twice? Well my mom does. And would she offer to paint all the really high stuff (aka the gables), so that you don't have to? Well, my mom did. She's pretty much amazing!?

And here is the dramatic before and after view...

What do you think? Is it an improvement? And what about the color? Do you like?


  1. OK Tina, here is the deal, when this project is complete, I will give you $2800 cash for the home. Deal?

  2. Buzzy - I will pay you with a rusty rudder for the property following the purchase.

  3. Ill give it to your mom "Spiderman" and "Houdini". She is good too.
