Sunday, November 6, 2011

A New Roof!

Well, as problems tend to do, the whole electrical, roofing, sheetrocking fiasco totally worked itself out this past week. And thank goodness! Last week at this time I was giving myself an ulcer with worry. This week I feel like I haven't a care in the world in comparison. Phew! I hate ulcers...and I hate waking up in the middle of the night worrying and fretting for hours about things completely out of my control.

First thing Monday morning I called the roofers to see what their plans were for coming out that week. They said they actually had moved us back a week, which about gave me a heart attack. But when I explained to them that we were suppose to sheetrock this weekend and there were holes in the roof that would cause major problems if not taken care, especially because there was a winter snow storm forecasted for the weekend, they made some adjustments to their schedule for us. Bless their hearts! They ended up re-roofing our place on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Mountain Peak Roofing...oh how I love them!

There are still some shingles to be applied on the lower roof areas, but no biggie...they'll be back to finish it this next week. They removed all four layers of the old shingles and shakes and completely redid the sheathing underneath. It is waterproof, and pretty, and new, and comes complete with a fancy 50-year warranty...all for a mere $11,500.

Now, that amount certainly sounds obscene at first glance, but after getting a roofing quote out of Rock Springs for $15,000, and after being told by Bonnie's daughter that they were quoted over $20,000 last year for a new roof, we thought this was quite the bargain. A lot of money, indeed, but completely necessary and completely worth it.

And lest we forget how bad it looked at the beginning, below is a nice visual of how far we've come on the outside since the middle of September.

Not bad, I'd say!? While the roofers were up on the roof, getting up close and personal with the attic, they let us know that it looked like the corners of the attic were missing some insulation, so on Saturday my mom and I climbed up in the attic and added more insulation. It was mostly my mom, but I showed up just in time to climb up and hardly help at all. :) I can confidently say that this house is now insulated like a thermos. Every wall, corner, nook, and cranny has been inspected and well insulated. And the attic was not nearly as scary as I had imagined it. Just your ordinary, run-of-the-mill attic...

So, the roofing is nearly done, and the electrical has actually come a long way in the past week. He's gotten done everything we need to in order for us to be able to sheetrock next week! Hallelujah! We still don't have lights or full power, but we do have heat and one lonely extension cord with power, which we're happy to work with.

The best news of the week was in regards to the sheetrockers. I had to book them about a month ago, so I really didn't want to ask them to reschedule for us, although that definitely would have been the best option if it was at all possible. So we were beyond lucky when it was our sheetrockers idea to move us back a week, and come next weekend. We definitely weren't sure that the electrician would be done with everything before this weekend, and we weren't really sure we could trust the roofers to show up, so it was such a relief! Now everything is done and ready, and we can confidently say that next weekend we will be completely ready for sheetrocking. And I can't will FINALLY start to feel like a nice, new house instead of a bomb shelter.

It's been a good week...and now I can go back to sleeping again at night.

1 comment:

  1. This is Tessa. Mom says it looks much better except the green grass with the old version looks better than the snow... so that might be a turn off... See if you can contract someone out to fix that! haha
