Sunday, November 13, 2011


So, I hate to tell you this, but I have no evidence of anything that happened this weekend. Eric's brother was in town for the weekend from back east so I stayed in Logan and skipped my weekly trip to Cokeville, and my mom spent the weekend in Idaho/Utah visiting the grandkids. So, no pictures. However, in our absence my dad kept us updated on the progress as sheetrock was hung throughout the entire house by some amazing sheetrockers. We have new walls and ceilings and I'm pretty sure it doesn't look like a bomb shelter anymore. I'm SO excited to see it next weekend! A mudding/taping crew will be back next weekend to finish the taping and texturing, and then we should be able to trim things out and paint over Thanksgiving weekend...can you say exciting!? I can't wait.

The roofing was finished up this week, as should be the plumbing. I'm not sure where we are with the electric, but he has got to be close. And at this point he can take till December for all I care. Now that the electric is done enough for sheetrock to be up we can paint and install cabinets and fixtures and get things done...however, it would certainly be handy to have light in the house sometime soon so that we can work after 5pm when it gets dark!? :)

Next weekend the plan is to install the hard flooring in the kitchen, dining room, and bathrooms, while the sheetrock crew finishes up the mudding and texturing. We picked out a hardwood-looking laminate that should look gorgeous in that place. I can't wait to see on the floor and show you next week! I thought my mom and I were going to have a war on our hands picking out a laminate that we agreed upon. Mom loved the hand-scraped laminate, which I thought looked too plastic-ey. I loved the darker, smoother laminates which mom thought were too boring and would show too much dust. And then after an entire weekend of looking we finally came across one that we both's not handscraped, but has a mixture of light and dark walnut colors with wide planks and beveled edges. It should be nice...we'll see how it looks next week!

And here is the finish's going to be crazy busy, and the goal is a bit lofty, but the goal is now to be done by Christmas. We shall see?!

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Hard Flooring/Mud and Texture
Week 4
Trim/Closet Shelves/Priming/Thanksgiving
Week 1
Week 2
Fixtures/Touch up/Carpet
Week 3
Fixtures/Touch up
Week 4

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am so wishing I could be a part of this. you two ROCK!
