Sunday, December 11, 2011


This last week my mom worked her tail off priming everything and painting the ceilings, trim, and bedrooms white. She was planning on finishing up with the paint sprayer on Friday, and we would be painting the living areas (living room, dining rooms, kitchen, bathrooms, and upstairs hallway) our chosen wall color with rollers and brushes. I left for Cokeville early Saturday morning, and with a view like this greeting me at the top of Logan Canyon, I was sure that it was going to be a great day of finishing up ALL the painting!

Well, I arrived in Cokeville at 9am and was quickly informed that we were out of caulk, and we were out of white paint...and the five bedrooms definitely needed a second coat of paint sprayed on. And there were lots of places that still needed caulked, or a second application of caulk. Since I had JUST come from Logan, where I could easily have stopped to pick by BOTH materials before coming over that morning, I was a little infuriated that I hadn't been called to pick those things up. I hate wasting time, and coming all that way without those much needed materials drove me a little bit crazy!? Especially since without those materials, we couldn't finish the painting portion of this project, which was my goal for the day. Maddening!

Then, as we were taping off all the trim in order to apply our creme-colored paint, I finally realized that our electrician had installed all the outlets and light switches, even though we hadn't painted yet!? My mom had told me the week before that our electrician wanted to install the outlets and light switches before we were done painting. I was skeptical and asked one of the contractors in our neighborhood about it, who said that was a TERRIBLE idea, and "don't let him do that!" So, with his advice we agreed that the electrician shouldn't install those items until we were done painting. Especially since we were painting with a paint sprayer, and overspray would get ALL over the brand new fixtures, not matter how good we tried to cover them. Well, my mom never called the eletrician to tell him our wishes, so, of course he installed them all when he was here last Sunday. I was livid!

One, my mom should have communicated with the electrician; and two, that electrician was just being lazy and trying to take shortcuts and get his job done faster. Not that he's EVER been in a hurry!? When I talked to our contractor neighbor, he looked at me crazy when I even mentioned the electrician installing the outlets first  It's just not how it's done. And for good reason. Just as I predicted, we had overspray ALL over the new outlets and light fixtures, even though my mom did her best to cover them.  Now we have to either replace them, or we have to waste our time scrubbing paint off. SO maddening!

It's hard to see the white-on-white paint job, but you get the idea with the white on black. The light switch on the bottom right missed getting taped altogether. It's completely covered and will definitely need replaced...

The good news? Our handyman, Bill, installed our front door and put our stair railing together, and both look amazing! Oh, how I love him!

So, we resolved that my mom would just have to make a trip to Logan and finish the painting and caulking next week, without my help. We were able to finish the wall color, except for touch-ups, which we can do next week/weekend. I arrived at 9am, and was on the road by 6:15pm. I would have loved to stay a few hours longer and make my Saturday really worth it, but what can ya do!? I hate being 2 hours away from Lowes! No matter how prepared you think you are, and how much extra you think you're getting, it's never enough!?

So, here are some pictures of the finished painting product. We are really loving how it is coming together. And we really love that it's just coming together, period! We really are SO close to being done!

Here are some shots of the rooms without the lovely blue tape outline. The lighting is a little weird, but you get the idea...

And there you have it. This next week our handyman, Bill, will be installing our kitchen cabinets and countertops, and vanities, and maybe we'll have a backdoor in by then too, if we're lucky, which is a whole other story I almost forgot about...

When Bill installed the front door earlier this week, he was going to install the back door as well, but our special ordered back door was too tall to fit in the space!? I had special ordered it to be shorter than a normal door, but it arrived 1 inch higher than what I had specified, and was the height of a normal-sized door. And since the backdoor goes right up to ceiling of that back porch area, that extra inch was a huge problem, which was why we special ordered it in the first place. So, I had to spend an afternoon on the phone with Home Depot, figuring out what happened and ordering a new door. This new door should definitely be shorter, as the cost was considerably more...$330 for a shortened door vs. $230 for the stock door we were apparently given. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I am not at all impressed by Home Depot. The good news is that since the door we "special ordered" wasn't really special ordered, we can return it and get our money back.

Have I mentioned that I can't wait to be done with this house? Because I can't.

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