Sunday, December 4, 2011

Trim, Floors, and Taping

This was an awesome weekend. The work was fun, the company was great, and we were SO productive. I feel like we might get done with this place eventually after all!?

We picked up some more trim during the week, so first things first, we finished trimming out the windows...

Then we finished trimming out the closet doors (on both sides, mind you), and installed closet shelving in all of the bedroom closets, as well as pantry shelves in the kitchen pantry downstairs.

We picked up more flooring during the week, so we finished laying flooring in the back porch laundry room and mud room/sun room. We also installed the floor-edging pieces (below/top picture)...which ended up being no small feat!? It's funny how the things you think will be easy end up being hard and time consuming, such as those stupid little floor-edging pieces (we had 7 edges to figure out and install!?)...

 And then the things you think will be hard, end up being easy, such as taping and plastic-ing all the windows and tubs, which was actually remarkably easy... 

It was a long, hard weekend of working, but it felt good when we were done. We worked on Saturday from 7:30am to 9:50pm, with only one short break that included a PB&J at about 4pm. We were both completely beat by the time we finally stopped, and I know I am still recovering!? But we got SO much done, so it was totally worth the very long day of manual labor.

This week my mom is planning on finishing up all the caulking. She practically caulked the entire house single-handedly this last week, so I'm sure she'll have no trouble finishing up the trim we added this weekend. Then, if we can get our handy-man, Bill, to come over to install the front and back exterior doors and the stair banister upstairs, our next task will be painting! All the floors and windows are taped, and we're ready to go with our fancy paint sprayer and buckets upon buckets of paint. Next weekend, hopefully we'll have a painted house for your viewing pleasure. We're getting there...


  1. Oh my gosh it looks great!! If I ever buy a fixer upper, you are hired to renovate.

  2. Way to go, Tina and Linda! You two are doing an awesome job!
